Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Noted Fashion Photographer

Move over Nigel Barker, there's a new noted fashion photographer in town. That's right... last night I purchased a new digital camera! Behold... the Canon Powershot SD960:

After work, I raced to B&H (Sarah describes it as a Hasidic Willy Wonka Factory) where a series of yarmulke-wearing mashuginas were like, "Eh, ya gonna buy a camera? Hurry up, we're closing." And hurry I did. I skipped all the way home to Greenpoint where I made Pancake my first fashion subject. She let me take a few shots like this...
But then she saw how bad I was geeking out over my camera so she started making fun of me.Ah well. I'm gonna make hear learn to smile with her eyes and then my pics will be on the cover of Vogue. Duh. Anyways, next matter of VERY important business... I need a camera case.
Should I get a casset tape pouch?

Or a ship pouch?Quick! Help me decide before I drop my beautiful blue baby on the subway platform.


Sarah said...

Cassette tape case is a winner.

Rolando said...

Cassette tape, no doubt.

absolutely not said...

i like the ship. but then again i have a nautical obsession so you know.

Anonymous said...

the ship! who better to protect your treasured camera than pirates!

Anonymous said...

Ack (for the cuteness of the Winnie pic)! Got to your blog through FourFour (love the plaque) must go for the cassette pouch.