Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Most Insane Subway Experience Ever

I was really exhausted this morning. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open as the L train rolled up to the platform to whisk me off to work. I was crossing my fingers that somehow I would find a seat to rest my tired legs on the normally crowded rush-hour subway car. When the doors opened, I looked to my right and noticed two open seats on a small bench! Although I found it odd that nobody else wanted to sit there, but I was delighted and snatched up a seat immediately. And right as I sat down, I noticed one of the most horrific things I have ever seen. On the bench across from me there sat


For a brief moment, I caught a straight-on glance at that man's bare, cut up, freshly shaved legs. I was baffled and disgusted all at once, and immediately jumped up to run to the other side of the subway car. People actually laughed at me as I dry heaved while making my escape. Although it was disgusting to watch, I couldn't help but look and the horrifying scene unfolding before me.

I wanted to take a picture of him on my phone, but it seemed rude and inapprpriate. I will do my best to describe his appearance for you (as you can probably guess, he was quite a looker.)

The guy had a big, goofy beard and looked kinda like this:

He was wearing a shirt that said this:

And his legs looked like this:

Hands down the most ridiculous subway experience ever. Even more ridiculous than this.

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