Monday, November 26, 2007

Project Runway, Episode 2

I realize that this post is a tad late and I didn't want to wait any longer to bid farewell to Maid Marion:

--Look at how even through tears of sadness, good old Marion tries to force a smile.

Goodnight my sweet prince!

Of course, the second I decide I like someone on a reality show, they get kicked off. At least this auf'ing wasn't as traumatic as Alison Kelly's from season three. I was seriously in love with her. But back to Marion-- I think one of the reasons I like him so much is because he reminds me of my favorite Simpson's character Wendell:

Right? I'm sure you can see the similarities. But let's face it, Marion needed to go.

The dress he created for the Bitten line was so incredibly fugly. It looked like a cross between a Medieval peasant's outfit and the potato sack costume my high school theater teacher made me wear in our production of Hamlet.

So out with the old and on with the new. My current favorite contestant is the lovely Chris March. I wanted to hand him a leopard print handkerchief as he wept crocodile tears for Sarah Jessica Parker.
"The reason I moved to New York was because of watching episodes of Sex and the City."
-Chris March

Oh Chris. You are such a doll. I hope just because you are my new favorite that you don't get auf'ed next week.
And for your viewing pleasure, here is my shrine to Chris March:

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