Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu Fever

So have you noticed that 7/10 of your friends have updated their Facebook status with something clever about Swine Flu? Have you also noticed that everyone is washing their hands every 5 minutes and shivering in fear while reading accounts of what might happen if the whole entire world got infected and over-run with zombie swines?

In order to continue this delightful trend, I'm featuring a Swine Flu Special at my Etsy shop right now. Come on down and get Phoebe the Pig, on sale today for $19 (marked down from $25)Isn't she cute? If you don't like pigs, I bet you like dogs. I've been making custom animal plaques of peoples pets...

Here's Simba!And here's Diesel the bulldog!And I'm currently working on a custom Montauk Monster plaque which should be super cool. If you want me to make you a custom animal plaque of your pet, you can visit my etsy shop and send me a message.


Sarah said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Simba plaque! Nice work, Lesley!

Anonymous said...

the bulldog is sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

love the simba one!!!!